Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Dreaded "um"

Growing up my dad was a stickler for public speaking. If you ever observe my causal speaking habits you will notice that I keep my "ums" to a minimum. During a public speaking event my dad and I would sit in the crowd, and some times still do, and count how many "ums" that speaker says. A silly game, but the reason behind it stuck. I may shake, I may stutter but during a speech you will never hear me say the dreaded word. 
For this week's post I chose the article "The Truth About Public Speaking, Someone is Watching You" by Ed Barks. The article talks about how during speeches the author will not only listen to the speech but analyze the manner which it has been given. It is my dad's little game all over again but more in depth. The author takes in account the delivery, audience attention and whether or not the audience bolts for the door after the completion of the speech. The title of the article is perfect. Someone is watching you, possibly my dad and I or this author. 

Watch out and watch your "ums", I'm counting!

The Article can be found here:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"It's a Katherine day!"

Previously, I messed up and wrote a blog on an article when I was suppose to write about myself. Therefore I do believe that it is time to write a little synopsis of who I am and how I came to create this blog. 
My name is Katherine Farmer, though, it has been a long time since someone called actually me Katherine. Katie is my name of choice presently, though according to my mother I had a hard time choosing between Katie and Katherine. I would wake up in the morning and proclaim that it was a "Katherine Day". I would refuse to respond to anything else.
I attend Georgia College and State University where there is currently only one other Katie Farmer attending. This same Katie Farmer has been following me around since middle school and I have yet to be free of her. In middle school our files and schedules would often get mixed up until she finally had to change her name to Kate. I thought I was free of her when my family moved from Duluth to Hartwell but, unfortunately, we met back up at the same college. Funny how life makes silly things like that happen.
Mass Communications is my major with a concentration in Public Relations and Advertising. I'm still dabbling with what I want to do with my major, so much so that I couldn't decide on just one concentration so I had to chose two! Law school has been the plan since I was really little and I would still like to at least attempt to pursue that. I plan to sign up for the LSAT course next semester. Wish me luck!
I have been leaning towards public relations over advertising for about two semesters now. I like creating plans and working hard to set them through. My mom always said that my goal in life should not be to be the prettiest or the smartest but to be the hardest worker. I work at my work ethic everyday to make it stronger. I'm not a girl that will sit in the corner while everyone else sets up chairs. If something needs to be done, I will do it.