Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Mom, Dad, welcome to the internet and the wonders of social media! 

According to "Ping in the New Year! Simplify management and improve awareness of your online presence" by Ryan Zuk millions of Web enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, businesses and communicators have created multiple online entities. My father just added me on Facebook. I'm having to restrain myself at the moment from jumping up and down in excitement (only mild sarcasm). According to his marketing director, in order for his company's image to improve, joining social media networks are a must. 

One complication is, his company is small. Who will keep up with the Twitter posts?According to the article, in order for credibility to be obtained social media outlets must have frequent activity. Guess the old dad will have to schedule time in his blackberry (which he just loaded the facebook application onto) for updates on Twitter and Facebook.

What if he choses to add more social media outlets to his repertoire?  He can easily add LinkedIn, Flickr, and a Blog. Thats five things to maintain at least every other day, if not more. Thats a lot of work! 

Not to worry dad! Ping.fm is here to save the day! Ping.fm, and other similar tools address the challenge of maintaining and collaborating these separate entities. In one go, a user can update the different social media networks by creating a brief text message with or without images. That text message is then sent to the different media outlets simultaneously. What a time saver! Of course, you can't always have the exact same thing on every outlet, but it is a good tool just the same. 

By building his repertoire, my father will increase awareness for his company. Imagine the possibilities if he joins every new network as they are created. By casting a larger net he will increase his reach of new clients. So, after carefully considering this, I guess I will welcome my dad into the facebook world... weird as it may be.

Check out the article in the PRSSA newsletter!

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