Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What is Public Relations

For class this week, we received a Flip Video camera to take around with us and shoot something related to Public relations. For the entire week, my Flip cam was attached to my hip and I took it everywhere. Including the pool, my induction ceremony,The Brick, and of course class. I edited my film down to a few people who I thought were either funny or very correct with the question I posed. "What is Public Relations?" So, if you have time, view the video(it is kinda funny) and enjoy. Now, thanks to me, you will no longer question was exactly Public Relations is.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

PR Open Mic Recipe

1 dose of all things social media
1 cup of Public Relations
1 cup of genius

Shake, not stir. Ta da! You now have PR Open Mic.

Not only is PR a separate social media outlet with its forums it also includes twitter, facebook and so many other social media outlets on the side. Need an internship? Check out PR Open Mic. Want to read blog posts ranging from PR students to PR professionals? Check out PR Open Mic.

The official definition:
"PROpenMic? A metaphor. Step up and speak your mind. Our goal is to be the social network for PR students, faculty and practitioners worldwide. We are ad free and nonprofit with an education focus."

I have now, unofficially, become their advertiser. If the Internets getting you down with all the different sites that you have to keep track of this seems like a pretty good alternative. Happy Interneting!

Go to:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Larry, Thunder's crazy brother is on our banner.

This past Saturday I attended the second event that my Public Relations "Cohort" and I have planned. It was the GCSU Athletic Auction which raises money for athletic scholarships for the University. As Ging's (our teacher) son said it was a "success"!
The theme for the auction was "Thunder Rolls". Motorcycles graced the gym in all different sizes and shapes. Everything came together perfectly and we have had many compliments on the ambience we created. 
Fortunately for us, the auction was not only an event planning experience, it was also a lot of fun. There was a $10,000 reverse raffle that we were very close to winning. Only 7 spots away!
The auction came together and went very smoothly. It was definitely an experience and well worth the effort. My favorite part was meeting professors and department chairs from the athletic department. It definitely helped the "connector" side of me. I now have contacts throughout the athletic department. 

Another plus was that I have began to overcome my fear of heights by standing on so many ladders! 

LASC my fellow PR students!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

If I use my name, completely lowercased, as my logo, would my name be AP style correct still completely lowercased?

After taking Macon's class on Writing for Mass Media, my Associated Press style book has become my bible. I am constantly using it to check over papers that I have to turn in to my Public Relations classes. There are yellow, green, and even pink highlighter marks decorating the pages. It definitely looks well "loved".
Any who, I came across an article called "15 for '09: New media terms to know for a new year" by Joseph Priest. It goes over the correct AP style format to use for new words that have been added to our daily dictionary. So, here they are, the correct way to write the 15 for '09 words.

1) BlackBerry
2) Blu-ray
3) blog
4) cell phone
6) e-mail
7) Facebook
8) LinkedIn
9) MySpace
10) podcast
11) videocast
12) Web site
13) wiki
14) Wi-Fi
15) YouTube

Notice the spelling and the spacing on the above words. The article explains how Web site is two words though it is evolving and may soon become one word. It also explains that Web is capitalized because Web is short for the proper noun World Wide Web. Facebook is still capitalized even though their logo suggests otherwise. The rest of the explanations can be found in the article. It's interesting to see how the AP style gurus come up with choices on the spellings of things. 

Well, thats all for this week. I hope it was an educational post.

Picture was originally posted on Pitch Engine

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hello class... It's time for a lesson on the history of Public Relations.

After dibble-dabbling around the internet for an article to inspire me to write this post, I came across a website that tickled my fancy for historical knowledge. The Museum of Public Relations ( The museum was founded in 1997 and is "a place to go to learn about how ideas are developed for industry, education, and government, and how they have been applied to successful public relations programs since the PR industry was born".
Five men are highlighted as "Early Pioneers": Edward L. Bernays, Moss Kendrix, Chester Burger, Carl R. Byoir, and Author W. Page. The website goes into depth on each of these men mentioning facts such as Bernays being referred to as "the father of public relations" and Kendrix being the first African-American to represent companies such as Coca-Cola and Carnation. If you play around with the site you can go view interviews of the men, how they celebrated their 81st birthday, and their theories and imprint they made on Public Relations. 
It's a nifty little site especially if you are new to the Public Relations world. It is always interesting to go back to the roots and understand why things are done certain ways. The basis of the post is, check it out. It has a lot of useful information. Hopefully one day, the sixth person will be a lady named Katie Farmer.