Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Advice: Katie Style

Assigned Topic:
"What do I know now, that I wish I knew then"

Typically I don't advertise the topic in such a blatant way, but I think it is the easiest way to approach this topic. Advice is not really something I give freely. Freely being the key word. Sure, I have given it, but in most situations I believe that one should learn from mistakes and by asking questions.

I keep getting told that I am a "tryer" not necessarily a "do-er", but I am. I try really hard until I become a "do-er". That is pretty much the theme of my advice. If you are afraid suck it up and try. How do you eat an Elephant? One bite at a time.

Put yourself in situations that you aren't sure if you are going to sink or swim, because thats the only way to realize your potential. I have drowned a couple times, learned from my mistakes, and tried harder the next time. Thankfully, that next time I swam.

Now it is time for the bullet list to answer the topic question:

- Do take Desktop Publishing before Writing for Public Relations

- Do volunteer to be Public Relations Chair for whatever organization you are interested in

- Keep everything!!!

- Be a do-er, don't be afraid to jump in

- Enjoy your first three years of college, because senior year is jam packed with school work

- Take on multiple internships throughout college

- Volunteer at local organizations and offer to help out with their PR work

- Don't keep pushing off your future, plan for it and act on it

- Become a To-Do lister. They help more than you can guess.

- Finally, have fun. Public Relations is hard work, but when you finish a project your amazed and have a warm fuzzy feeling in your tummy.

One of the major things I regret is not becoming active in organizations until my senior year. I always assumed I was too busy. Trust me, now I am too busy, not then. One of the major things you hear in college is about how when you go into the real world you don't have any experience, only book knowledge. Take it on yourself to get experience while in college.

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